A New Hope Havanese

Come to the cute side!

Puppy Culture

We are not just trying to stop problem behavior, but teaching your dog how to talk to you. This is just some of what puppy culture, protocols, and training includes:


Studies show that if momma dogs receive affection and belly rubs the babies respond and she will give birth to more docile pups. 

Neonatal Period – 0-14 days

The first 12-18 hours is critical for the puppies to get colostrum from mom so they can get her immunities. Its also important they have a safe, quiet, and not brightly lit place to deliver their puppies.

ENS Early neurological stimulation – Day 3-16

Includes tactile stimulation, head up/down positions, supine position, and thermal stimulation. Small amounts of stress and struggle help puppies to be healthy strong well adjusted adults. These simulations will help them have greater tolerance to stress, resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and heart beat.

The Transitional Period – 14-21 days

Eyes opening, hearing, starting to play, eliminating on their own, lapping liquids, and interacting. 

Socialization Period – 3-12 Weeks 

The earlier we work with behaviors and exposure to many situations, the easier it is to shape them for their lives, their brains are hungry sponges.

Breeding for emotional intelligence

We want to raise dogs that will connect with you on a deep emotional and trusting level. 

Communication – dog / human language skills

Emotional Stability – ability to recover easily from fear, and cope with stress and frustration in a socially acceptable manner. 

Habituation – Familiarity with the maximum number of things.

Enrichment – The view that novelty and challenges are opportunities for enrichment rather than feared or avoided. 

Health – The physical wellness and motor skills needed for sound development

Skills – Learned behaviors to function in human society. 

Love – The desire to seek out the company of dogs and humans as emotionally positive experiences. 

Week 3 – Transition Period

New toy each day in the whelping box

Litter box with pellets

Recovery from fear – noises, objects, and people

Take each puppy out individually to create human bonds and help with separation anxiety.

Week 4 – Socialization period

Exercise pen for new littler to run and play

Change objects in their environment and introduce to new challenges

Letting them overcome challenges on their own without help teaches them barking and whining doesn’t get them what they want, they gotta do it on their own. 

Communication Trinity – 3 Core Concepts

Click treat, offer behavior box and manding (sitting) gives your puppy a voice

Week 5 – Fear and Fun

Puppies start going through a fear period where they can be more sensitive.

Daily challenges that are not too hard for them to recover from like dropping a bag on the floor or walking on a tarp and adjusting for each puppy.

Week 6 – Curiosity Period

Peak socialization period and time for puppy parties!

Can help them overcome changes with people and environment, but can also imprint fears.

Quality dog people to help imprint positive human interactions

Balance board (Buja), dog walks, ramps, shoot, and chutes. 3 sets, 2 min per equipment, 6 min at a time and 15 min rest.

Litter box training / House training

Resource guarding and aggression training